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Status: customer account

Status: B2B account

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the legal obligations and guidelines as described in our privacy policy and in compliance with the GDPR privacy law.

Aanmelden voor een account voor onze webshop geeft je toegang tot je order status en order geschiedenis. Vul de velden hieronder in en registreer in een handomdraai jouw nieuwe account. We vragen alleen de hoofdnodige informatie om jouw account en orders goed te kunnen verwerken. Uiteraard worden uw gegevens volledig beschermd verwerkt in overeenstemming met onze privacyrichtlijnen.

Summary B2B Awards:

Regarding the baby teething materials, it is good to point out that we are always been sure to offer the lowest prices in the EU. The additional discount t.a.t. the baby teething materials is as follows (it is automatically applied in the basket):

  • From spending from 100 euros/order 3% discount on all baby teething materials
  • From spending from 150 euros/order 5% discount on all baby teething materials
  • From spending from 300 euros/order 7.5% discount on all baby teething materials

Otherwise, for all baby accessories, the purchase prices applicable to you are immediately displayed with the exception of pacifiers. A graduated discount exists for the pacifiers. The discount starts immediately with about 10% discount for 1-9 pieces, from 10-24 pieces about 25% discount and from 25 pieces about 35% discount. As you can see, the discount is percentage-based and applies to both the Colour pacifiers and the other series. You may mix all colors, sizes and brands in the process.

T.a.v. free shipping:

  • Shipping within NL from €60 euro free of charge.
  • Shipping to BE from €80 euro free of charge

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