Making baby toys - Tutorials

How do you make your own teething ring? Pentagon variant!

Bijtring Maken Pentagon

How do you make your own teething ring? Pentagon variant!

Picture of Amber Winsveen
Amber Winsveen

Jootjes Crochet Gifts


At Jootjes Crochet Gifts you have come to the right place to make your own baby teething toys. The tutorial below will give you the necessary instructions for making your own teething ring. The tutorial is of a very simple teething ring but of course you can vary this in many ways. Look around our webshop or blog or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest for lots more inspiration. You will find many examples of teething rings, inspiration regarding other types of baby teething toys and color combinations.

Short disclaimer: We are a supplier for silicone beads and DIY materials. As a wholesaler of baby teething toy materials, we also supply you with all the supplies you need to make this teething ring through our web shop. All our materials are completely baby safe, 100% free of toxic substances fully compliant with European Directives. We have therefore been the market leader in baby teething toy materials for a long time. We created this Pentagon Teething Ring to inspire you. We have not had the teething ring shown here specifically as an example tested or certified as a finished product.❤️ Make and use at your own risk. If you are going to make this creation and want to sell it you must have it tested and certificeren❤️


  • 5 x 20 mm beads
  • 10 x Pumpkin bead 8 x 20.5 mm
  • 5x safety beads 16 mm for the vertices.
  • 1.5 meters of satin cord.

All of the above materials are available on our webshop!

Elaboration Instructions:

This teething ring threads differently than other teething rings. Because we wanted to keep this tutorial a little shorter / focus more on this particular form. If you are not yet familiar with the basics for making a teething ring, we recommend you first read the basic tutorial here – > Basic tutorial.  To make the pentagon shape, we used safety beads on the corners. This is different from standard. In doing so, you go through one hole and back through the other. 

You first thread all the way up until you are round. Then you are going to quietly slide these beads. Do not pull too hard at first, but gently slide the beads towards each other per segment of the pentagon by pulling, pushing and sliding a bit. Because of the way the safety beads are seated they will give some resistance so it won’t slide well, when you pull harder, you will pull it tight into the safety bead which will only give you more resistance.

If you have all the beads slid a little close together then only then will you immediately tie two knots. At that point, you can tighten the teething ring securely. After this, you will thread back two ways. Once arrived at a safety bead as follows. Work from the inside out. Don’t stick in the first hole, but in the farthest hole from where you are working. Then insert back in at the top through the nearest hole and work through to the next side. Also, keep pulling your cord tight / properly while you are at it.

Once reassembled, tie another double knot. Threading two more beads to the side with both threads allows you to pull the knot away. Cut off the ends! Congratulations you have made a beautiful Pentagon / Pentagon teething ring!

Team Jootjes

All of the above materials are available on our webshop!

Maak zelf een bijtring

In this tutorial, the teething ring is made from satin cord, making it very durable. Satin cord is very sturdy because of the way it is produced (weaving/textile processing) and has a lot of grip/friction at the knots. Therefore, these buttons do not come off easily when tightened. However, wear and tear is always possible with any product you use, that’s just a fact.

Jootjes Haakcadeautjes does not produce the teething ring itself and can never be held liable for potential damage caused by loose teething rings. We show a way to make the teething rings that we think is a very reliable way. However, production and use of a teething ring is always at your own responsibility. Jootjes Haakcadeautjes can never be held responsible for damages resulting from the use of one teething ring produced based on these instructions. Anyway, our advice is strict. Always use teething toys only under the supervision of a responsible adult!

: Jootjes Haakcadeautjes, all patterns and manuals of Jootjes Haakcadeautjes may be published exclusively by Jootjes Haakcadeautjes. The patterns and manuals are for personal use and may not be used for commercial purposes. This manual may not be translated or published on your own site, Sharing a link to the manual is of course allowed as long as the source is mentioned and the reference is correct!

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